Family Photo Albums         back to HOME page

2009 May - Philip and Millie's 50th anniversary

2008 Vacation - GNP Glacier National Park  (press F11 to get FULL screen, better sizing)

2007 best of/favorites/highlights  (be patient when loading 144 pics, after loading, wait a few seconds before clicking on a picture)

HIGDONS Christmas Eve 2007  (just a few family pictures)

Memorial Day Weekend at Trudy’s 80th b-day party in the TN mountains (sorry, no captions yet)

Ski January 2007 at Lake Tahoe
misc photo albums from 2003
Faith Olivia    born 1/4/2002 (runs with Microsft Internet Explorer ONLY)
Shelby Birthday and Durham Snow(runs with Microsft Internet Explorer ONLY)
Higdon Grandkids August 2001  (runs with Microsft Internet Explorer ONLY)
ski pictures from UTAH March 2001   Shelby can now ski !!!!       (added 4/30/2001)
lakehouse from SPACE   !!!!        **** (added 4/30/2001)

HIGDONS August 1999  the family in the back yard             

March 2000  Lake Tahoe ski trip              ( 8/6/2k)
April 2000   Easter,                                     (6/6/2k)
April     Crayola Factory                              (6/6/2k)
April  Matthews boat                                   (6/6/2k)
Memorial Day   Girls love the water         (6/6/2k)
June 2000   Trevor catches catfish          (6/6/2k)
June  Sunrise on Capri                              (6/6/2k)
 June      SC Aquarium                                (6/6/2k)
June      Krystal sings Cher                        (6/6/2k)
July      Emily's 1st Birthday                       (8/6/2k)
July      Carole's HS Class Reunion          (8/6/2k)
July    Wesley's cousins                            (8/6/2k)
August  Charleston, SC (Capri)             (8/16/2k)
August  EAGLE                                        (8/29/2k)
Gemach Gemach Family Reunion      (12/20/2k)   may load SLOWLY via modem !!!
October    (and Nov/Dec)                        (12/16/2k)
December  our God son                       (added 1/15/01)
December  co-workers                      (added  1/15/01)
Christmas Day  girls show off gifts     (1/15/01)
December  the CAR what a gift!         (1/15/01)
Charleston  Aquarium                          (1/15/01)
Charleston  1 Million lights                   (1/15/01)
New Years Eve  at Sam's                    (1/15/01)
New Years Day  John Boy says bye   (1/15/01)
January 8  Shelby's B-day party          (1/15/01)
Inauguration  President BUSH          (2/21/01)
Feb    Kelleys visit, ski and more          (3/5/01)

Space  See our houses from space   (12/16/2k)

More coming soon.  I hope to find a photo album that will work with Netscape soon.

last update, 5/16/2002 1230.